The Bail Out the People Movement
invites you to a People's Economic Summit
In conjunction with the June UN Summit on the World Economic Crisis and organizing for protests at the G20
New York City
Sunday, May 31
Starting Time 11 a.m.
Main Session 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Dag Hammerskjold Plaza,47th & 1st Avenue
Proposed Agenda:
11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
47th St. & 1st Ave.
Special focus panels & breakouts, including:
-Defending Immigrant/Worker Rights
Why do migrants leave their homelands? What is behind the anit-immigrant climate? How can we build a workers’ rights movement that includes legalization, EFCA, etc?
This and more will be discussed in a panel by members of May 1st Coalition, Bayan-USA, La Pena del Bronx, Pakistan-USA Freedom Forum, Million Worker March and others.
-Building a Struggle of Youth & Students
Hear youth from member organizations – Anakbayan, FiRE, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, and FIST, along with students from Hunter College, BMCC, and others – join forces to deliver a perspective on combating not only the crisis of the capitalist system, but also the struggles against national, women and LGBT oppression, imperialism, etc.
-Communities of Faith for Peace with Justice
As people of faith and conscience, we will discuss the failed economic system and its impact on our poor and oppressed communities, and how we can change it by denouncing the social sins of male supremacy, hetero-sexism/homophobia, classism, racism, ethnocentrism and xenophobia (to just mention a few). Participation of San Romero Church and others.
-Capitalist Crisis, Racism, Political Repression & the Prisons
The lack of jobs or a future has resulted in the U.S. having the largest prison population in the world with majority Black, Latino/a and Native prisoners, and growing repression against youth, immigrant workers, and Arab and Muslim peoples. With participation of: NY Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition, Millions for Mumia, Lynne Stewart, N.Y. Committee to Free the Cuba Five, N.Y. Friends of MOVE (9).
-People’s Speakout in Two Parts:
A discussion of strategy and tactics from those who have lost jobs, homes, healthcare, and their future.
Workers’ Struggles in the U.S. – The fight for jobs; the EFCA and against layoffs; growing unemployment; foreclosures; evictions – with Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, Million Worker March Movement, NYC Labor Against the War, Picture the Homeless, Take Back Our Union.
Struggles Against U.S. Corporate Power Around the World – The impact of the capitalist crisis, militarism, environmental destruction and imperialist policies in Africa, Asia, Middle East, Caribbean and Latin America.
-Full Plenary Sessions
Starts at 1 p.m.
Invited Speakers to Include: UN Delegates, Cynthia McKinney, Ramsey Clark, Howard Zinn, Nawa El Saadawi, Medea Benjamin, Ajamu Sankofa, Vinie Burrows, Nellie Bailey, City Councilperson Charles Barron, Chris Silvera, Brenda Stokely, Larry Hamm, Lynne Stewart, Rev. Lucius Walker, Sonny Africa, Paul Quintos, Dulphing Ogan, Curtis Doebbler
First Plenary – 1 to 2:30 p.m.
Panelists examine the roots of the economic meltdown and present the case for alternatives to capitalism and imperialism.
Second Plenary – 2:30 to 4 p.m.
But We Must Fight for it!
Panelists discuss building the mass movement; formulating programs and strategies to force a struggle for jobs, an end to foreclosures and evictions, and new rights and powers for working and poor people.
Third Plenary – 4 to 6 p.m.
Special session on preparing for the G20 Summit in September in NYC and plans for the Detroit People’s Summit and Tent City.
(partial listing)Action Center for Justice, NCAl Awda, NY PalestineRight to Return Coalition, NYCAnakbayanArab Muslim American FederationArab Women’s Solidarity Assoc.Artists & Activists United for Peace;Asia Pacific AllianceBayan USA– National Alliancefor Filipino ConcernsCode PinkFiRE– Filipinas for Rights& EmpowermentFIST– Fight ImperialismStand TogetherGuyanese American Workers UnitedHaiti-LibertéHarlem Tenants CouncilInt’l Action CenterInt’l League of Peoples StruggleInt’l Migrants AllianceJersey City Peace MovementKatrina-Rita Diaspora Solidarity, NYCLa Peña del BronxLeague of Filipino Students–SFSUMalcolm X Grassroots MovementMay 1st Coalition for Worker& Immigrant RightsMichigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice-MECAWIMillion Worker MarchMillions for MumiaMoratorium NOW! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures & EvictionsMovement in Motion, Bronx NYNetwork to Stop Foreclosures& EvictionsNew Abolitionist Movement, NYCNYC Labor Against the WarNodutdol for Korean Community DevelopmentNord Sud XXIPakistan USA Freedom ForumPeoples Organization for ProgressPhil Berrigan Inst. for Non-ViolencePicture the HomelessResist!San Romero de Las Américas ChurchTake Back Our Union MovementU.S./Cuba Labor ExchangeWomens Fightback Network
Endorse the call Become a local organizer/volunteer
Bail Out the People Movement
Solidarity Center
55 W. 17th St. #5C
New York, NY 10011
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